1997年に米国テキサス州にあるカルバリー・バプテスト教会の伝道所として、牧師宅で家庭集会の形式で礼拝を開始しました。その後、一時、パルテノン多摩の会議室を利用して礼拝を継続。2003年5月より八王子市にある現会堂に場所を移して礼拝を継続しています。日本バプテスト連合とThe American Baptist Associationに加盟しています。
Introducing our church
Identity: Our church is a historic Baptist church with the Bible as the Word of God and the only rule of faith and practice. A Baptist Church is a Christian church of the same type as the church which the Lord Jesus Christ established and is recorded in the New Testament. Our church is called Calvary Baptist Church located in Hachioji City. Its name bears the Latin name "Calvary" where Jesus Christ was crucified.
Purpose: Our purpose is to glorify God and minister in love. Our Church is committed to lead people to the Lord Jesus Christ by preaching the gospel of Christ, to convey the Lord's teachings from the Bible to the saints, and to put these teachings into practice. We minister in love while making a positive impact on the world and making positive changes in our generation. This church emphasizes the importance of worshiping God, loving God and mankind by obeying the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, and glorifying Him. (Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:37-40)
History: In 1997, Brother Shin Kamoda, as a missionary pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Henderson, Texas, USA, started worship services with his family at his apartment. After that, the assembly continued to worship at the Parthenon Tama conference rooms for a while. Since May 2003, the assembly has moved to the current Chapel in Hachioji City and continues to worship and do ministries. Our Church is associated with the Japan Baptist Association and the American Baptist Association.